





  1. 台灣為世界地震研究之重鎮,不僅地震多,地震相關構造複雜。就研究而言,花少數經費,短期即可獲得相當之研究成果,成立中心可進一步整合研究團隊,使成果及應用迅速擴大。
  2. 承續並發揮過去「地震與活斷層」跨部會計畫之功效,使研究動力得持續並加速成長。
  3. 台灣地震問題複雜,研究單位及項目分散,成立中心可統合各階層及各單位之地震研究,協調次序及重點,發揮總體研究之力量。有具體之協調中心,可與部會如氣象局、地調所、水利署及中油公司等產學密切合作,發揮合作互補之功效。
  4. 台灣地震環境特別,需有前瞻性之研究,追求突破。成立中心可確實掌握全球地震研究之動脈,讓台灣成為世界地震研究核心之一。對新興科技如發展中之奈米級地震感應器,可便宜且大量在地震前兆研究上應用,可迅速引進,以擴大科研成果。

  1. 第一條:台灣地震科學中心(Taiwan Earthquake Research Center) (以下簡稱本中心或TEC)是由國科會為發展地震科學研究所成立的虛擬研究中心。
  2. 第二條:本中心辦公室及相關設施由中央研究院地球科學研究所提供,中心運作計畫經費由國科會專題計畫支持,其他科技部及中研院地震研究相關計畫得由主管單位授權本中心代管。
  3. 第三條:本中心首要目的在深化台灣地震科學研究、開展全球領導性科學議題,並落實研究成果為我國所用,以提升防震減災能力。
  4. 第四條:本中心重點任務:
    1. (一) 深入探討台灣地震之孕震、發震及破裂之科學過程,進而推動積極前瞻之研究,落實研究成果並提出防震減災之道。
    2. (二) 提供整合性及多元化的資料與儀器服務平台。
    3. (三) 協助整合政府與各學研機構相關地震觀測資訊及科學研究成果,於全球發生重要地震後有效結合不同科學技術,快速分析並提供相關解說資訊。
    4. (四) 協助地震相關教學材料開發,普及地震科學與防災教育。
  5. 第五條:本中心置主任 (director) 一名,由地球科學學門地球物理領域召集人擔任,負責與國科會溝通協調並設定中心發展策略。
  6. 第六條:本中心置首席科學家 (chief scientist) 一名,由中心主任召開諮詢委員會推薦產生後報請國科會聘任之,任期三年。首席科學家負責執行TEC辦公室計畫,同時統籌科學任務推動及科學教育推廣等相關任務。
  7. 第七條:本中心置執行秘書一名,協助主任及首席科學家處理中心業務。執行秘書由中心主任及首席科學家共同遴聘之。
  8. 第八條:本中心設執行委員會 (executive committee),協助規劃台灣地震科學中心中長程科學目標,並督導中心辦公室的運作。執行委員會由中心主任、首席科學家及其他委員七至十人共同組成,其他委員的產生由主任及首席科學家推薦後報請國科會聘任之,任期三年。
  9. 第九條:本中心設諮詢委員會 (advisory committee),提供本中心學術研究與發展方向之諮詢與評議。委員會由委員五至七人組成,由執行委員會就學界相關專長領域之學者專家推薦後報請國科會聘任之,任期三年。
  10. 第十條:本中心執行委員會全體會議由主任召集之,每年至少集會兩次。
  11. 第十一條:本中心諮詢委員會會議由主任視需要召集之。
  12. 第十二條:本中心依任務需求,另設儀器與資料委員會 (instrument & data committee) 及教育推廣委員會 (education & outreach committee),委員成員經執行委員會推薦後由中心主任邀請擔任之,任期三年。
  13. 第十三條:本辦法經執行委員會議通過報部核備後施行。
TEC Office
Director General
Ya-Ju Hsu

Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica

Research Fields:
Earthquake Cycle Deformation,
Mechanics of Fault Zones,
Lithosphere Rheology

+886-2-2783-9910 ext. 1415
Chief Scientist
Kuo-Fong Ma

Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica

Director, Earthquake-Disaster and Risk Management (E-DREaM) Center, National Central University

Research Fields:
Earthquake Seismology,
Earthquake Physics,
Engineering and Seismotectonics

+886-2-2783-9910 ext. 1415
Personal Website
Member of Executive Committee
J. Bruce H. Shyu
Distinguished Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Member of Executive Committee
Chung-Pai Chang
Professor, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University
Member of Executive Committee
Wen-Tzong Liang
Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Member of Executive Committee
Kate Hui-Hsuan Chen
Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University
Member of Executive Committee
Kuo-En Ching
Associate Professor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University
Member of Executive Committee
Bor-Shouh Huang
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Member of Executive Committee
Yi-Ying Wen
Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
Member of Executive Committee
Jiun-Yee Yen
Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University
Executive Secretary
Hao Kuo-Chen
Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Yung-Ning Yang
TEC Office
Shu-Jane Huang
TEC Office
Mei-Fang Wu
TEC Office
Education and Outreach Committee

The Committee on Education and Outreach (CEO) is dedicated to addressing significant earthquakes both domestically and internationally. In response to this, the committee compiles relevant information and creates presentation files, which are then made publicly available on the TEC website. TEC consolidates all content and establishes a database for archiving. This initiative not only serves as educational material for academic, educational, media, and general public audiences, but also functions as a resource for current earthquake-related events. Through the dissemination of information via social media, it becomes a reference for media reporting. This effort plays a crucial role in enhancing the general public's accurate understanding of earthquakes, consequently raising awareness of disaster prevention.

Yi-Ying Wen
Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
Member of Education Committee
Kate Hui-Hsuan Chen
Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University
Member of Education Committee
Yu-Ting Kuo
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
Member of Education Committee
Wen-Tzong Liang
Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Member of Education Committee
Kuo-Fong Ma
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Member of Education Committee
Hao Kuo-Chen
Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Member of Education Committee
Yen-Yu Lin
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
Member of Education Committee
Tai-Lin Tseng
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Member of Education Committee
Wang Yu
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Member of Education Committee
Ray Y. Chuang
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University
Member of Education Committee
Justin Yen-Ting Ko
Assistant Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
Instrument and Data Committee
Hao Kuo-Chen
Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Project Principal Investigator
Horng-Yuan Yen
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
Project Principal Investigator
Wen-Tzong Liang
Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Project Principal Investigator
Ya-Ju Hsu
Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Project Principal Investigator
Horng-Yue Chen
Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Project Principal Investigator
Chin-Jen Lin
Associate Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Project Principal Investigator
Chin-Shang Ku
Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Tai-Lin Tseng
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Yu-Ting Kuo
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
Strong Wen
Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
Chun-Hsiang Kuo
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
Kuo-En Ching
Associate Professor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University
Engineering Research Institution