Historical Earthquake
Taiwan Earthquake Science Information System

本網頁系統主要由中央研究院永續科學中心與科技部資助的研究計劃下所建立,中央研究院地球所負責與中央氣象局協助執行,目的在建置台灣地區的即時地震科學資訊系統,以氣象局的地震速報資訊為基礎整合學界的即時科學成果,提供討論地震物理及地質特性的第一手資料,並期待可作為防震減災應變的科學依據。 內容涵括氣象局的地震速報結果,包括發震時間、震源位置與規模,以及各地震度等。這個速報結果將自動觸發學界發展之震源反演的計算,在幾分鐘內即可提供數個運用不同資料、方法與地球震波速度模型的震源解。另外也利用目前普遍安裝在台灣地區的低價位Palert強震儀所記錄的即時觀測震度資訊來計算得到台灣地區震度分佈圖等。

TEC Instrument Pool

The Taiwan Earthquake Research Center, in response to the increasingly urgent instrument needs for large-scale scientific research in domestic earth sciences, established an Instrument Service Platform in 2006 with the support of the National Science Council. The platform aims to achieve 'common use and centralized management,' emphasizing enhanced instrument efficiency and outstanding technical services. It supports seismic observation and data collection for various research projects. The Instrument Center has provided services for research projects such as East Asian mantle dynamics and plate interactions, comprehensive studies on the Caucasus collision zone, international collaborative research on Taiwan's tectodynamics, monitoring of crustal deformation in Philippine volcanoes, and the Across-Taiwan Strait Artificial Seismic Explosion Experiment (ATSEE).

TEC Data Center

The Taiwan Earthquake Research Data Center (TECDC) is primarily sponsored by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and its aim is to integrate all available seismological data to serve the entire Taiwan research community. The TECDC is dedicated to the development of web services for the data sharing of both existing, backbone seismic networks and research-based temporary seismic arrays, and also for the demonstration of research outcomes and data products derived from domestic scientific outputs. We have also designed various online activities to promote seismological education and outreach. The official web portal of the TECDC is accessible at https://tecdc.earth.sinica.edu.tw

TEC Newsletter

自2013年起,TEC 執行辦公室每季邀集國內各大專院校之專家學者,針對研究專題出版季刊。目前已出版多年,歡迎訂閱。

Near-real time earthquake information

TEC Annual Meeting

The Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (TEC), funded by the National Science and Technology Council, aims to deepen earthquake research in Taiwan, engage in leading scientific research areas, and implement research outcomes for national use. The center focuses on collaborative efforts to identify key issues, set clear goals, and further assist in the allocation of manpower and equipment to advance relevant earthquake scientific research. Therefore, TEC plans to hold an annual TEC conference before soliciting projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology. On one hand, it allows the convener of the academic discipline to share the direction of research policy promotion, and on the other hand, scholars review the current status of earthquake science in Taiwan. This provides an academic platform for discussing research consensus, directions, and goals, aiming to integrate the research momentum of the academic community, form a strong research team, and deepen earthquake science research in Taiwan.



Contribution Number List


Compile earthquake-related information from both domestic and international sources, and announce recent or past public messages from TEC. Present this information in a tabular format, categorizing it by message type and chronological order for user convenience in searching.